Services We Offer
RAI constantly researches the latest technologies available for inspection but proven efficiency and cost effectiveness of these technologies inform our decision when deciding on technology to use and thus staff training to be done!
Asset Integrity Management
AIM and Fabric Maintenance utilizing RAI’s own Asset Preservation System (APS)
Lifting Equipment Surveys
Safe and successful lifting depend on the safety of the lifting equipment & accessories used
Dropped Object Surveys
the ultimate goal of delivering a second nature dropped objects prevention strategy
Drill Tools Inspections
Drill tool and equipment inspections and examinations are carried out, both onshore and offshore
Rope Access
RAI work according to IRATA guidelines & standards and is a full IRATA member company
All our courses are internationally, nationally or best practice accredited
Services We Offer
RAI provides with quality training, they have been very helpful equipping me with the necessary basics in ripe access it is now 3 years and happy to go back to do my level 2 training very shortly. I have attended their evening classes which is relaxed and allows for more critical thinking of how to do a rescue more efficiently and safely. courses would cost between 8k and 10k Zar. RAI also has their experienced trainers work in the industry under different skill sets.